Everyone’s Life is a Best Seller

publishing Jan 28, 2019

What’s your story?

Everyone has a life story that can be a bestseller. From the CEO and executive team to the custodial staff and security, from solo entrepreneurs and founders to college students and secretaries, people have stories to tell! Some may be stories of triumph, success, and innovation, while others may be about the lessons they learned in the face of adversities and hardships. Whatever their story may be, they deserve a chance to communicate it with the world. They have gained wisdom from their journey in one form or another, and this wisdom, when effectively packaged and published, can be a blessing to those who consume it.

In the words of Indian novelist Savi Sharma, “Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is a writer, some are written in books and some are confined to hearts.”

Organizations involved in the publishing sphere have a unique opportunity to be the medium of these stories. While everyone has a story that can become a bestseller, not everyone has the means of communicating their story in a precise, understandable, and relevant manner. Whether it be in the form of a ghostwriter, a proofreader, or a copy editor, publishing companies can play a major role in helping this message come to light.

We must understand that these individuals have wisdom that is readily available to be presented to the world. No matter what industry they are a part of, the background they have come from, or the wisdom they want to convey, there are people in similar circumstances who can greatly benefit from their story. 

While it may be easy to discredit the worth of someone’s story based on an immediate, uninformed perspective, it is important we do not undervalue anyone’s story. Everyone’s life is a bestseller. When we recognize this as fact and take it to heart, we can become part of the process that helps these invaluable stories come to light.

The impact these stories have on those that consume them is immeasurable. A business leader’s story of overcoming hardships and finding success can help hundreds if not thousands of business persons in their own journeys. An individual’s battle and victory over mental health struggles can be an aid to those suffering from the same ailments. A mother’s experiences raising her children alone can equip other women in their motherhood journeys. The list goes on and on.

The bottom line is everyone has a story. Every story is valuable in one form or another, but not everyone has the means of writing and communicating their stories. This is one of the unique values certain publishing companies bring to the table. They can assist in helping individuals package, polish, and communicate their stories with hundreds if not thousands from across the globe. But first, no matter who the publishing company might be, they must recognize the indelible fact that everyone’s life is a bestseller!


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